Of the styles of Tai Chi Chuan that have developed over the past several hundred years, Wu Style has become one of the most widely practiced. The San Diego Wu Style Training Center was founded in 2016 by John Page.
John and the other San Diego instructors study under chief instructor Grandmaster Eddie Wu Kwong Yu, who founded the Toronto Academy in 1975. Since that time, Grandmaster Eddie Wu has promoted Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan throughout the World.
Our Training Center follows the principles and practices laid down by Grandmaster Wu and his ancestors who stated:
“It is my duty and my sincere wish to preserve the principles of Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan in their full integrity and to ensure that they are kept intact for future generations as they have been for the last 150 years. It is important that there be no watering down of these principles of the forms.”
Wu Style academies worldwide are dedicated to teaching the principles of traditional Tai Chi Chuan as laid down in the classics, and as developed by the Wu Family. According to Grandmaster Eddie Wu, “It is our aim to train students to develop their own potential to reach high standards in the art of Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan.”
For more information on the International Wu Style Tai Chi Chuan Federation, please visit www.wustyle.com